Middle School (Years 5 to Year 9)

In the Middle School, students are provided with a broad and stimulating curriculum that fosters students’ creative and critical thinking skills. Teaching and learning focuses on engaging students, developing independent learning and encouraging students to understand themselves better within a global perspective.

Year 5 and Year 6 (Stage 3)

In Year 5 and Year 6 there is a strong emphasis on English and Mathematics. These classes are grouped and taught according to the students’ ability level. Science, Indonesian and Music are taught by specialist teachers.

A Gifted and Talented class (GATEway) is also offered. In this class, the core curriculum is compacted. The curriculum is taught at a faster pace and deeper level. Students have the opportunity to explore a range of additional topics.

Students who need additional learning assistance are supported by the Learning Enrichment team headed by Mrs Tracey Rixon.

Year 7 and Year 8 (Stage 4)

In Year 7 and Year 8, there is a strong focus on English and Mathematics with additional hours being allocated to these subjects. Students are explicitly taught study and research skills to help them with the academic demands of these years. The  Assistant Head of Middle School, Head of Middle School and Heads of House assist students with their academic programme.

Year 9

In Year 9 students further expand their interests through an expanded curriculum offering a broad choice. Classes are graded in English, Mathematics and Science. Assessment for learning is a major focus of the curriculum, with an emphasis on developing students problem solving, higher order thinking, communication and research skills. Gifted and Talented Year 9 students are given the opportunity to work on a Personal Interest Project as part of the Socrates programme, with mentors from the University of Western Sydney. Students who need literacy or numeracy support are offered after school classes in targeted skill areas. Students are supported academically by their House teacher, Head of House and Head of Middle School.