Junior School (Kindergarten to Year 4) and Transition (Pre-Kindergarten)
Macarthur provides a diverse, rich and ‘hands-on’ curriculum in the Junior School. There is an emphasis on developing our students’ curiosity and love of learning. Personal academic accomplishment is fostered from the student’s very first day at school.
The curriculum is Stage based and provides opportunities for the students’ learning to be supported, enriched and challenged. There is a strong focus on literacy and numeracy with the first part of each day – our ‘Golden Time’ being dedicated to Literacy and Mathematics. Students who need additional learning assistance are supported by the Learning Enrichment team headed by Mrs Tracey Rixon.
Subjects, including Science and Technology and Human Society and its Environment, are integrated as much as possible to provide students with holistic and meaningful experiences. In addition to the mandatory NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) subjects, students learn Indonesian and Biblical Studies - with Music a focal part of the Junior School curriculum. Music and Indonesian are taught by specialist teachers. The students’ academic programme is supported by the Head of Junior School.