Application for Exemption from Attendance

Applying for a Certificate of Exemption from Attendance at School

By law, only the Headmaster may grant an exemption from attendance at school and only for a small number of reasons. The law does not give the right to parents to absent their children from school without due authority. 

Parents must apply directly to the Headmaster, using the official application form; 'Exemption from Attendance at School' (see below) for the following:

  • Participation in elite arts or elite sporting events*
  • Short periods of employment in the entertainment industry
  • Directions under the Public Health Act
  • Other exceptional circumstances such as the health of the student 
  • Other exceptional domestic circumstances

* Elite sports refers to national/international sports event, elite programs run by national and international organisations, talent identification programs run by NSW Department of Sport and Recreation.

Family Holidays

Family Holidays are NOT covered by the official Certificate of Exemption from Attendance at School. Parents must apply directly to the Headmaster, in writing prior to the trip, when seeking leave during the school term for a family holiday.

Parents should be aware that there can be no substitute for a student’s regular attendance at school and that assessment completion is ultimately the responsibility of the student. Parents should not expect school work to be provided to students who are on a holiday during term time.