School Fees and Charges
The Fee Schedule sets out the fees and charges related to enrolment. Fees are reviewed annually and published in the final weeks of Spring Term for the following year.
The Fee Schedule lists the Tuition Fee for each year group and the Student Activity Fee. The Student Activity Fee includes the cost of stationery, an iPad (Years 7 to Year 12), a diary, a school magazine, sports entry and transport fees, textbook hire, compulsory excursions and compulsory school camp costs. Please note that some items covered by the Student Activity Fee are subject to GST.
Macarthur applies sibling discounts on a single account for children attending the School simultaneously of:
- 10% of the tuition fee for a second child;
- 25% for the third child; and,
- 50% for the fourth and subsequent children.
School EasyPay is the system for paying fees unless a family chooses to pay the full-year fee at the beginning of the year. The system involves the automatic deduction of fees from a bank account or credit card that parents set up via Parent Lounge. Parents elect the payment amount that covers the Tuition Fee and the Student Activity Fee for the year.