The Warren Scholarship - Year 11

The Warren Scholarship for Student Leadership acknowledges the twenty years of outstanding service and leadership of Mr Riley Warren AM as Headmaster of Macarthur Anglican School from 1989 to 2008.

The Warren Scholarship for Student Leadership is awarded to a student entering Year 11 in recognition of their demonstrated leadership skills and future leadership potential. The scholarship is open to both current and future students of Macarthur Anglican School. Students awarded the scholarship will be known within the School as The Warren Scholar.

The successful student will receive:

  • Recognition as a Warren Scholar during Year 11 and Year 12. There will only ever be two Warren Scholars in the School at any point in time.
  • The award of a Crown Colour in recognition of the Scholarship.
  • $2000 per annum ($4000 over two years of the Scholarship) fee relief in addition to any other scholarships and bursaries.
  • Full Funding to attend Macarthur's Annual Outreach Trip or equivalent monetary contribution to participate in a leadership programme as approved by the School, such as the Global Young Leaders Conference, United Nations Youth, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (or equivalent). The chosen programme must be attended during Year 11.
  • Opportunities to attend local student leadership conferences as they occur from time to time.


 Application Process

Applications for the Warren Scholarship 2025 are now open and close on Friday 25 October 2024. Each application must be accompanied by a reference using the Online Reference Form using the links below.

The announcement of the successful applicant occurs at Speech and Awards Night.