Exploring Tree Macarthur : Early Learning Centre

Exploring Tree Macarthur : Early Learning Centre is operated by an independent company under special lease arrangements covering both the operations and the building. The Centre includes Before School Care (BSC) and After School Care (ASC).

Exploring Tree Macarthur is a long day care centre for children from six weeks old to five years old. It provides full child care facilities and programmes, from 6.30am until 6.30pm each weekday for approximately 50 weeks of the year. Before and After School Care is available to Macarthur students only, with Vacation Care also available for both Macarthur students and those from other schools. Parents wishing to use BSC, ASC and Vacation Care will need to enrol their children with Exploring Tree Macarthur : Early Learning Centre directly.

A website is available with further information and can be used to enrol children for Long Day Care as well as BSC and ASC. If you would like to make contact with the Centre Director, please feel free to call the School switchboard; the Centre on 4629 6796; or email directly.

It is important to note that children who secure a place at Exploring Tree Macarthur will not have automatic enrolment into Transition or Kindergarten at Macarthur Anglican School. Parents are required to enrol their children in the School in the usual way by contacting the Admissions Assistant for the Junior School, Mrs Debbie Rogers. The current Transition 2-Day, 3-Day and 5-Day programmes will continue to operate unchanged. Some parents may choose to have their children share their week between the School’s Transition Programme and the child care centre programme.

The child care centre is a wonderful adjunct to the programmes on offer at Macarthur and it is a delight that this programme has come to fruition.