Build with us

Your invitation to support this next phase
As seen from the Masterplan, Macarthur has a program of continuous campus improvement. The following sections explain why the School seeks to partner with parents and other supporters to see these plans come to fruition.
A brief reflection on the success of past fundraising is followed by an explanation of Government funding for independent schools. If you did not already know, you would discover that the State and Federal governments do not fund independent school buildings and capital works, hence our building project appeals. There is a small grants programme through which the school has gained some support, but it is minimal compared to the total building costs.
A pledge form and a tax chart are at the end of this email. The tax chart will help you to understand the tax benefits in contributing to Macarthur's appeals as our Building Fund has Deductible Gift Recipient (tax-deductible) status. This information is a guide only and not advice. It is important that you obtain your own advice and not rely on this information.
If you decide you would like to support or further support the school's building projects, please find the pledge form and the donate now button below. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact the accounts team by phone at 4629 6207 or email at
Fundraising Success so far

In recent years the campus at Macarthur has seen a significant improvement in the facilities available to the students.
The $16 million Warren Integrated Studies HUB, followed by the Beavis Mathematics Rooms and Visual Art Studios, completed a $20 million investment in the future of Macarthur students.
Over $2.6 million dollars was raised during a capital campaign for the Integrated Studies Precinct. The School Council and Headmaster deeply appreciate the depth of generosity shown by parents and supporters towards this project.
You are invited to partner with the School in the next phase of the Campus development and improvement.
The Junior School Expansion Project is nearing completion of Stage 1. Beyond Stage 2 of the Junior School project is a short-term focus to commence the Music precinct expansion project, replacing the current demountable classroom and three practice rooms with two purpose-built rooms and six additional practice rooms. The current building, including the toilet facilities, will be renovated to fit with the overall function of the new building.
A wonderful internal collaborative space will join the new building with the old, and there will be a courtyard with significant landscaping between the new building and the Moroney Centre.
The completed building will have two entrances, one connecting this building with the Chapel Courtyard and the Rehearsal Hall and the other opening onto the new Music Courtyard.
Understanding Government Funding
Funding of Independent schools is among the least understood political discussions and is often highly contentious. Independent schools receive little or no funding for buildings. The funding formulas (SRS) only apply to annual recurrent funding and must be spent in the year it is received from the government. It cannot be accumulated.
The core components of the School Resource Standard (SRS) funding model comprise base funding plus several loadings that aim to address educational disadvantages. The per-student component is based on the Schools Resource Standard (SRS), which aims to measure the cost-effective and efficient provision of education.
The loadings in the model are for:
- School location;
- School size;
- Socio-educational disadvantage;
- Indigenous students;
- No English language proficiency;
- Students with disability.
Capacity to contribute
One feature of the funding model which only affects independent schools like Macarthur is the parent’s capacity to contribute (CTC). This means that the amount of base funding a school receives is dependent on a school community’s estimated capacity to pay fees, as determined by a Direct Measure of Income (DMI) score. The higher the score, the lower the per capita base funding a school receives.
State and Territory Government funding contributions
In addition to setting the Australian Government’s share of SRS for all schools, legislation now places requirements on the State and Territory Governments in relation to school funding. State and Territory Governments are required to fund government schools 80% of their SRS and non-government schools up to 20% of their SRS. The Commonwealth’s share of funding for non-government schools is 80% of their SRS entitlement.
Government Funding in Graphs

Capital funding
On average, over the past few years, parents and donors in independent school communities contributed 89% for capital developments such as school buildings, grounds and equipment. 
Macarthur has only ever received modest government capital funding, once under the Building the Education Revolution scheme, once for the Beavis Rooms and $500,000 towards the $6m Junior School expansion. Apart from this, and due to the CTC score of the School, Macarthur has not been able to access significant government capital funding.
Past Support
Macarthur would not be the School we know and love without the support and generosity of its community since it began. Varying levels of support from the Macarthur community have enabled each significant structural development at Macarthur.